Remember when being a feminist required nothing more than believing in equality between the sexes? Oh, wait — no, feminism over the...
Following the announcement of Marco Rubio’s advisers on pro-life policies, Jezebel’s Anna Merlan is attacking the board as “full of weirdos” who...
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? If you’re like me, then the answers is, “No, not really.” While Star...
(Bound4Life) I was raised in a conservative Christian home, attending church every time the doors opened. A people-pleaser from birth, I especially...
(IAmUntold) After two abortions and a miscarriage, I wasn’t sure a family of my own would ever be in my future. Sometimes...
Over 100 years ago, Winston Churchill questioned, “What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes...
As pro-lifers mark the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade with mourning for its victims and resolve to set things right, abortion...
(I Am Untold) Sixteen and pregnant. Two words that, put together, will shake anyone’s world. Such was the case for Veronica. With...
Alice Paul’s birthday was celebrated earlier this month. Born in 1885, Paul was a feminist icon whose career spanned two continents. Like...
It’s been a while since we’ve given Jezebel, home of some of the internet’s most unhinged pro-abortion partisans, more than passing references,...
Disturbing news is coming out of Wisconsin, where Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is trying to lower pro-lifers’ expectations for a vote...
(I Am Untold) It started with a long awaited positive pregnancy test – JOY! But that joy quickly faded at the very...
NARAL is no stranger to wrapping and re-wrapping a hopelessly ugly package in attempts to make it appealing. The organization has changed...
The timing of when Planned Parenthood gave civil rights leader Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr. their infamous Margaret Sanger award is suspicious...