From Tennessee comes the sickening story of a 31-year-old woman, Anna Yocca, who faces attempted murder charges for trying to abort her...
The panic is temporary. The fear is temporary. The crisis is temporary. The days when you wake up thinking “how did I...
There is very little connection between whether a pro-abortion project brings anything particularly new or insightful to the table and the media’s...
Recently, columnist Robyn Urback asked, “What responsibility, if any, should GOP candidates shoulder for the Planned Parenthood attack?” Urback devoted eleven paragraphs...
Last month, Robert Lewis Dear, a man with no known connections to the pro-life movement, opened fire at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in...
Jill has relentlessly worked to save lives for years. But the very first life she saved was the life of her own...
The ACLU’s latest attack on pro-lifers may be so preposterous that it almost discredits itself, but that hasn’t stopped the folks at...
In a 2011 editorial in The Washington Post, pro-choicer Ezra Klein defended Planned Parenthood and argued against defunding the organization. He used this...
In a historic move last week, the U.S. Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Saturday Night Live was none too pleased about...
Our friends at Created Equal are sounding the alarm on H.B. 408, a bill proposed in Ohio they warn would essentially create...
Bernie Sanders, the socialist Vermont senator running in the Democrat presidential primary, is a walking caricature in many ways, and recently he...
Amanda Patton, a blogger and abortion industry worker whom I’ve mentioned previously, designs t-shirts featuring her pet cat. Bearing a slogan that many would consider highly...
In response to Robert Lewis Dear’s killing spree at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, pro-abortion columnist Jill Filipovic resurrected one of abortion...
This “blame-the-rhetoric” thing is a double-sided sword. If it’s true, then accusing pro-lifers of causing death ALSO logically causes death. Thus, the...