Planned Parenthood has a tendency to be rather tone-deaf. (Remember when they sent out a picture of baby carriages for their 98th...
At the Guardian, Molly Redden has a very interesting piece that, despite her best efforts to fit the square peg into a...
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has been having a rough time trying to become the Republican presidential nominee for a variety of...
Donald Trump wasn’t too popular on The View a couple months back. Trump had disparaged Republican rival Carly Fiorina’s appearance, and Joy Behar...
On October 23, New York Times Magazine posed the following question to its audience on Twitter: “If you could go back and kill...
It really, really bothers abortion supporters that the rest of the world won’t drink the Kool-Aid they’re peddling. At Salon, Danielle Campoamor complains that...
Which pro-life people influence the culture the most? This question was addressed by Newsmax recently in an article they published entitled “Newsmax’s...
As I’ve been speaking out for life, I’ve had multiple friends come forward to share their stories of tragedies and triumphs, and...
During the 2012 campaign, President Obama remarked (referring to the meme pictured below), “As I say, as some of these emails that go around...
Today’s earlier news about Planned Parenthood suing for the ability to perform abortions at a Florida medical park where surgical procedures are forbidden may...
Along with her appointment of handpicked Democrats to the House Select Committee to Investigate Planned Parenthood, Nancy Pelosi has given the committee...
If you have friends open to the pro-life movement but still sitting on the fence, this may help. Ask them to, just...
The pro-abortion lobby has long been frightening people into believing that without so-called “safe” and “legal” abortion, women would turn to dangerous, illegal,...
Maybe you are like me and have been watching the horrific undercover videos on Planned Parenthood and asking yourself, “How much more does the...