What is it that makes pro-aborts think nothing of holding everyone else to rules they don’t follow themselves? Planned Parenthood of Southern...
Part of being a friend means being ready to help out. That can involve all kinds of situations, like when a friend...
It’s not always easy to spot a coherent rationale behind government policy. That shouldn’t be surprising—a lot of times there isn’t one....
Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, in a recent Time article, said it’s time to talk about abortion. We agree. Let’s talk. In fact,...
May 31 was the six-year anniversary of the day abortionist George Tiller was shot and killed. Planned Parenthood is openly mourning Tiller’s death and...
Lynchburg, Virginia has a few interesting features. For a while, it was America’s premier source of ChapStick and enemas. It also experienced...
After a month of negotiating the state’s two-year budget, the Texas Legislature’s new proposal cuts Planned Parenthood from its Breast and Cervical Cancer...
On May 12, President Barack Obama spoke at Georgetown University on poverty and the Christian focus to it as it relates to other issues:...
Yep. That’s a goat. So is this. When it comes to being friendly, goats don’t have a great reputation. These little characters...
William Wilberforce was a fierce advocate for the abolition of the British slave trade. As a representative in the House of Commons,...
On a regular basis, Tanya Cohen, an Australian who describes herself as “human rights activist and writer,” has been using Thought Catalog...
Almost seven years ago, Barack Obama rode to victory on a campaign of “change.” Then-senator Obama explained in the run-up to election...
H.R. 36, a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape or incest, has passed the U.S. House, and...
When news broke that the House voted to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, it was inevitable that pro-abortion extremists would...