In January, Professor Jan Narveson and I debated whether libertarians should support abortion. Narveson claimed abortion only involves a mother’s right not...
Set to release in theaters just before Valentine’s Day, Fifty Shades of Grey is already generating a media sensation. The best-selling erotica novel...
Having earned the enmity of pro-lifers everywhere by torpedoing the House vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act at the worst possible time,...
Jacob Wasill was nine when he shared his adoption story with his class. He was stunned and hurt when the response of...
Nationwide, there are over 650 Planned Parenthood clinics. Nine out of the top ten college towns in the U.S. have a Planned...
On my birthday last year, I did something in honor of my love for history and patriotism. I took my family on...
Hello, brave and beautiful ones. I have a message to empower you. I’m writing to give you permission to do something you...
Senator Lindsey Graham is on a roll, and not in a good way. Just days after announcing his willingness to make the Pain-Capable Unborn...
Spiritual Fathers are men who pray and sacrifice for little lives they cannot yet see — the most innocent and helpless creatures...
One of the most common accusations thrown against pro-lifers is that we want to “shame women” into agreeing with us. Here are...
Many actions have consequences. For some reason, though, there is a whole movement centered on the belief that our sexual activities don’t...
Yesterday, I visited my mom and we watched a popular talk show. In the middle of the show, a breaking news update flashed on...
Last week was not great for Amanda Marcotte’s image. The day after bemoaning the prospect of “forcing” Down syndrome kids on their...
If you were looking forward to the U.S. House of Representatives voting on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, you’ll be disappointed...