In a recent study, abortion advocates outlined six reasons why they believe sex-selection abortion bans are unnecessary in the United States. The...
Earlier this week, Live Action News writer Sarah Terzo wrote an article detailing the abhorrent treatment that many new parents receive from...
I’ve long been struck by how the temperament and tactics of “respectable” pro-abortion blogs is virtually indistinguishable from the sheer lunacy of...
Pro-lifers are regularly accused of waging a war on women when we want to protect women’s health and the lives of the...
For fifty years, Gloria Steinem has been one of America’s most visible abortion advocates. Apparently she’s also a Jay-Z fan. A frequent...
It’s a subject rife with debate in the pro-life community: how do we approach abortion-minded and post-abortive women? For some, the belief...
To believe the media these days is to believe that Planned Parenthood is the oppressed rather than the oppressor that it is....
After the Hobby Lobby ruling, liberals and abortion activists came crawling out of the woodwork to let everyone know about how this...
I had the great pleasure of becoming a Mrs. just a few short weeks ago. The wedding was fairy tale themed with...
Everyone’s pro-life. That is, everyone supports some people living. Many pro-abortion activists care deeply about saving the lives of domestic violence victims....
What if you learned after 37 years that your birth father was a rapist and that he brutally beat and raped your...
When I was a freshman in college at Fordham University, I went a few Saturdays during the school year to be a...
It’s surprising what you can learn about yourself. Recently, I learned that I’m on the same side as the Taliban… the Tennessee...
June 30, 2014 is a day that was long anticipated and will be long remembered. On this monumental day, the Supreme Court...