Last March, 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson was rushed to the emergency room after having a late-term abortion at the Preterm abortion clinic in...
Put rather simply, one’s opinion on abortion can generally be summed up depending on whether the person accepts that life begins at conception...
Judging from some of the things she says, Democrat Texas representative Sheila Jackson Lee occasionally embodies Mark Twain’s quip, “Suppose you were...
“Fetuses aren’t children.” This was the answer I received to my tweet that said, “…Killing children – at any developmental stage –...
It’s been a week since the Supreme Court released its decision on Hobby Lobby, and the rhetoric has fallen in ugly places....
Take a few moments, and picture the following scenario: Few people see who she really is – much less who she could...
Joy Pinto, a pro-lifer and Catholic radio host from Alabama who runs Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center, made some comments at a pro-life convention...
Josie Cunningham, a British model who made headlines earlier this year when she said she would abort her baby in order to...
A story from a guard at a jail recalling inmates rebellion when they don’t get their way is strikingly reminiscent of the...
Even before you took your first breath, I loved you. Because before that moment, I knew you were mine. Not just “potential...
On Wednesday, Wendy Davis celebrated the one-year anniversary of filibustering Texas’ headlining pro-life law from the 2013 legislative session by throwing a...
The Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly made a lot of headlines when they voted to bless same-sex marriages. But Wesley J. Smith...
[Warning: graphic image below.] The Daily Journal has reported on a “mistaken” request by the Pennsylvania Health Department, directed to Planned Parenthood....
It’s easy to think of stopping abortion in broad terms: ending it all. And while that’s an excellent goal – exactly the...