For all pro-lifers have done to debunk the “bodily autonomy” argument for abortion—the idea that abortion is merely exercising a pregnant woman’s...
To anyone with an open mind, it couldn’t be clearer that Phil Kline – once the Attorney General of Kansas – was...
The Internet is a remarkable invention. It has expanded commerce, made information more widely available, and has helped to connect far off...
Andrew Lampart, an 18-year-old high school student, was trying to do some research for an upcoming class debate on gun control. When...
Pro-aborts know all too well that repeating a lie at every possible opportunity is the key to passing it off as truth,...
Earlier this week, I was accused of wanting to “feel dominant.” This, I was told, is the reason why I and other...
Andrea Hagelgans, the woman who bullied the Susan G. Komen Foundation back into Planned Parenthood’s coffers after its brief hiatus from the...
Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy” and American Dad, has stayed true to form with his new cowboy epic, A Million Ways...
According to sources in Great Britain the Turtle Dove has seen a 90%+ decrease in numbers since 1970, and this legendary creature...
My point as a pro-life man is simply this. Every child is innocent. I don’t need any other. I’m not a woman,...
Pro-choicers may decry such a claim that pro-life men have a more powerful kind of respect for women than pro-choice men. This...
BDSM is a big trend, which is no surprise with the booming response 50 Shades of Grey experienced and the highly anticipated upcoming...
This timely political cartoon illustrates a major hypocrisy that all too many in America subscribe to: faultless, innocent children ought to be...
I know, some of you may be reading this and not realize that it was ever even a debate. And some of...