As Argentina’s president promised to pass a bill legalizing abortion by the end of the year, thousands of pro-life Argentinians marched in...
Despite widespread media coverage condemning Poland’s ban on eugenic abortions, polling has found that a “silent majority” of Polish citizens actually support...
A little over two months after Poland passed a law banning eugenic abortions, the European Parliament (EP) has issued a resolution condemning...
A post-election poll of voters in the 2020 election shows that the issue of abortion played a key role in the election,...
(Right to Life UK) Health officials in Northern Ireland project up to 6,500 abortions annually under the new abortion regime, representing a 497%...
After making promises to the abortion industry that he would legalize abortion, Argentina President Alberto Fernández is pushing for it to be...
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Monday that Texas can remove Planned Parenthood facilities from the state’s Medicaid program. Texas...
A Nebraska bill banning dismemberment abortions was passed by the legislature earlier this year. Now, with no legal challenges against it, it...
A proposed bill put forward by two Arkansas lawmakers would ban all abortions in the state except those committed to save the...
According to Right to Life UK, a large number of MPs recently attended a webinar on fetal pain which was hosted by...
On Friday, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a ruling allowing a portion of Tennessee’s 2020 pro-life legislation, signed...
The city council of Lubbock, Texas, unanimously rejected an ordinance to become a “sanctuary city for the unborn” after hours of public testimony...
The Alberta March for Life Association filed a lawsuit against Edmonton city officials last year when they canceled the already-approved plan to...
(New York – C-Fam) Despite a growing number of countries supporting U.S. pro-life diplomacy, the U.S. fell short of the votes necessary to...