A three-judge panel of the Tenth Circuit has rejected Oklahoma’s request that millions of dollars in Title X funding be restored to...
The House Armed Services Committee has sent a letter to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, seeking answers about why pro-lifers were smeared as...
Update 8/15/2024: After Colorado State Capitol officials kicked Jeff Hunt out of the senate public gallery for wearing a “Pro-Life U Colorado...
USA Today columnist Chris Brennan recently accused Republicans of lying about Democrat support for abortion up to — and even after —...
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has released its final report on abortion in the state. After lawmakers approved the...
Republicans have approved the GOP’s 2024 party platform, an extremely trimmed down version compared to previous years. The platform has caused controversy...
The New York City Department of Health (NYC Health) is solidifying its erroneous stance that preborn babies are not human beings, as...
Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has proposed a “maternity income” bill aimed at providing financial assistance to pregnant women who qualify for...
Update 7/16/2024: Abortion advocates won in a South Dakota court on Monday when a judge granted a motion to dismiss a lawsuit...
Update 7/12/2024: Legislation that would have decriminalized abortion in Poland failed to pass. According to Bloomberg, the government of Prime Minister Donald...
Pro-abortion media outlets have recently shared emotional stories of women facing pregnancy complications in Idaho, where the state’s Defense of Life Act...
On July 7, the Republican National Convention released the party’s 2024 platform with a major change to its official position on abortion....
Arkansans for Limited Government has gathered enough signatures to place a pro-abortion constitutional amendment on the state’s upcoming November ballot. In a recent...
The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday issued a ruling in several cases, striking down two laws designed to protect preborn children from...