The Thomas More Society (TMS) notes that the Democratic “supermajority” in Illinois — with Democrats holding the House and Senate as well...
As states like New York, Vermont, and others are looking to enshrine abortion “rights” in state constitutions, Arkansas joined a growing number...
UPDATE 3/23/2019: Vermont’s Senate Health and Welfare Committee voted 5-0 on Friday to approve a bill known as the Right to Personal Reproductive...
(Pregnancy Help News) [Last] week, hearings moved forward on a Connecticut bill which would ban pro-life pregnancy centers from advertising themselves in...
UPDATE, 2/20/19, 10:30 PM EST: The Arizona House Judiciary Committee has defeated legislation that would have removed protections for abortion survivors. Those...
In what could be a setback for the pro-life movement in Nebraska, last week on February 12, the state senate budget appropriations...
The U.S. Senate plans to hold a roll call vote on protecting infants accidentally born alive during an abortion. According to a...
On Friday, the Utah House passed a bill that, if approved by the Senate and signed by the governor, would protect preborn...
On Tuesday, about 400 people gathered at the Oklahoma state Capitol to advocate for the abolition of abortion and to show their...
Prominent pro-abortion advocates tend to paint all women with a broad brush as pro-abortion. Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood, recently mused...
On the same day that the Kentucky Senate passed a bill banning abortion after a preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected, the...
By a vote of 31 to 6, the Kentucky Senate voted yesterday to pass SB9, known as a “heartbeat bill.” The bill...
The newly confirmed head of the U.S. Department of Justice, 68-year-old William Barr, once stated that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and...
Pro-abortion lawmakers in Illinois are seeking to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, which requires abortionists to notify an adult family...