John Boehner will resign as Speaker of the House and give up his seat in Congress. He made this breaking announcement in...
The President of the United States says if Republicans don’t send him a budget he can sign, “they’ll shut down the government...
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards is expected to testify before Congress next week, on September 29. This announcement comes on the heels...
It’s bad enough when secular pro-aborts ignorantly lecture religions on their pro-life values, but professed members of those religions doing the same...
When Congress considered the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act in 2002, it passed by voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in...
On Friday, we finally got a House vote on defunding Planned Parenthood. 241 representatives voted to take away their tax dollars, while...
In this week’s CNN debate at the Reagan Library, former Hewlitt-Packard CEO and breast cancer survivor, Carly Fiorina, didn’t mince words about...
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to suspend Planned Parenthood’s federal funding for one year, as the investigation into the abortion...
At today’s Congressional hearing on Planned Parenthood (which can still be viewed here), pro-abortion politicians created an uproar when they were forced...
Republican Presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Carly Fiorina responded to a two-question survey from ForAmerica asking, if President, they would veto...
In last night’s second GOP presidential debate, hosted by CNN, Senator Ted Cruz censured both Planned Parenthood and the Republican leadership who...
Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders spoke at a Christian university this week and was asked about his support for abortion. Sanders began...
For a while now, we’ve been calling out Ohio governor and presidential candidate John Kasich on statements signaling a habitual willingness to...
Pro-lifers exposed Hillary Clinton’s support for Planned Parenthood and for abortion outside an Ohio event where a relatively small crowd of Clinton supporters gathered....