DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz spent her Labor Day weekend sending out a fundraising e-mail. From the start, beginning with the title,...
The 2016 presidential primaries, coinciding with an almost-unprecedented barrage of revelations about the crimes and callousness Planned Parenthood engages in behind closed...
(LifeSiteNews) — Alabama’s leading pro-life group is urging the state’s Attorney General to prosecute Planned Parenthood for hiding child sex abuse —...
This morning, the Congressional Judiciary Committee conducted its first hearing on the investigation of Planned Parenthood. Titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific...
Republican congressional leadership’s serial negligence on standing up to Planned Parenthood has proved to be a significant factor in renewed talk of...
After more than two months of sitting on the state Senate floor, California’s Assembly Bill 775 passed Thursday afternoon with the 24...
Like many American voters, Chris Christie is fed up. He’s sick of Congress getting nothing done. He’s tired of President Obama’s ineffective...
If you’ve been holding out any hope that Congress might actually put up a fight against Planned Parenthood’s $528 million in federal...
Radical pro-abortion Democrats like Hillary Clinton have made it clear that they will stand with Planned Parenthood no matter what. Even after watching videos which...
Speaking to an Ohio audience on Thursday, Hillary Clinton drew parallels between pro-lifers and terrorists: Now, extreme views about women? We expect...
Planned Parenthood lies when it says “3 percent of its business is abortion.” It lies when it says it does mammograms. It lies to women. It lies to...
Just in case you were clinging to hope that some sliver of Hillary Clinton’s soul was capable of being shamed by revelations...
(The Daily Signal) Planned Parenthood announced it will sue Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for terminating its Medicaid contract with the state. “Planned...
So, I’m going to be honest about something: dead children really don’t bring a smile to my face. They do for some people, though; Tucker Max...