Many pro-lifers have a soft spot for Dr. Ben Carson. It’s no wonder why: the soft-spoken warmth of his delivery and his status...
Hours ago, USA Today printed an op-ed by Senator Ted Cruz, one of the top-tier GOP presidential candidates. Cruz is known for...
To date, twelve states have launched investigations into their Planned Parenthood affiliates to determine if they are engaged in the kinds of illegal...
Congress is investigating Planned Parenthood following the release of videos from Center for Medical Progress that show top-level Planned Parenthood employees discussing...
Today, on the west steps of the Capitol in Denver, a group of concerned citizens and community leaders called on the government...
If it’s a day ending in Y, it must mean there’s a new Salon article lying about something. Let’s just click on...
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is out with an ad on Iowa TV stations. Breitbart reports: [Cruz] spokesman Rick Tyler said that this...
Most of us were pretty impressed this week to watch Marco Rubio school Chris Cuomo on rape exceptions, pro-life incrementalism, and embryology without...
In 2014, the Texas Gubernatorial Project conducted a voter study: how could analysts determine why voters vote the way they do? Many...
Fox News host Megyn Kelly was among the moderators of last night’s Republican presidential debate, and her question to Wisconsin Governor Scott...
Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), who voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood, claims he is pro-life. A Pennsylvania constituent who wrote to both of his...
Last night’s 2016 Republican primary debates showcased some stirring defenses of life from Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, and...
On Thursday night, Fox News Channel hosted a primetime debate with the top 10 GOP candidates, based on an average of the last...
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) gave an intense speech against bill S. 1881 to defund Planned Parenthood on August 3. Furious, Warren scolded...