If you thought House Speaker John Boehner’s noncommittal take on defunding Planned Parenthood was bad, just wait ‘til you hear what Senate...
During this June and July, four sitting governors, all Republicans, declared their candidacy for the presidency. Let’s took a look at where...
Like most of the presidential candidates, Ben Carson has reacted to the release of videos from the Center for Medical Progress showing...
A bill to immediately defund Planned Parenthood been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the Senate. Not only that,...
A lot of congressional Republicans, most GOP presidential candidates, several governors, and even some pro-choice politicians and commentators are excoriating Planned Parenthood...
The number of states to investigate or review Planned Parenthood keeps growing. In light of two videos released by the Center for...
Several states have announced investigations and reviews into Planned Parenthood in light of two investigative videos showing top executives from the abortion...
Louisiana Gov. and presidential candidate Bobby Jindal earned some additional goodwill from pro-lifers by immediately ordering an in-depth investigation into whether his...
Hillary Clinton would be President if Planned Parenthood got to make that decision on its own. This is obvious from campaign financial...
Many of us remember the 2013 situation in Texas over the state’s 20-week abortion ban, notably the hijinks pulled by abortion supporters....
The majority of the candidates running for president in 2016 have released statements opposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and sale of baby parts....
As noted yesterday, GOP leadership has canceled a vote on a bill to make commemorative coins raising money for breast cancer research...
Today, the only pro-abortion Republican running for the 2016 presidential nomination called for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. George Pataki, former governor...
The nation has been rocked by the new undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, which showed a Planned Parenthood...