There are Republicans who courageously fight for the right to life, Republicans who gallantly chicken out at the first sign of pushback,...
In late October, federal judge Lee Yeakel prevented portions of Texas’ pro-life omnibus bill, HB2, from going into effect on its intended...
As the saying goes, all that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. But there’s something even...
The group All Above All is calling their message a bold one, and it certainly is. While in downtown Washington, DC I...
Eighteen states (Ohio, Michigan, Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and...
Texas Judge Lee Yeakel has just ruled that part of the new Texas law imposing restrictions on abortion is unconstitutional. A federal...
The ACLU, in its “Not Stupid” campaign, claims that pro-life laws continue to pass around the nation because “extremist” politicians “think we...
In a September 12th appearance at George Mason University, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said that he would be a “brick wall” against...
A few months ago, I wrote a piece about an attack from Planned Parenthood and Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. The attack...
A dry-erase board in the back of a CT Pregnancy Resource Center reads, “Pray for Formula.” Just last week, a woman came...
As you most certainly know, and as Lauren Enriquez has written about already, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis is running for governor. Many...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
Yesterday, California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr signed into law legislation that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions. After being passed in the...
On Thursday, the Tenth Circuit once again ruled against Obama’s HHS Mandate that requires many employers to provide abortion-inducing drugs as part...