US Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan) wants to ensure that all Americans have access to the information regarding which Obamacare insurance plans provide...
Yesterday Michigan won an important pro-life victory. It started this summer, when over 315,000 registered voters, representing every county in Michigan, signed...
In addition to adding the Hobby Lobby case to their calendar, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear another case involving Obama’s...
Planned Parenthood has become disturbingly familiar with fraud charges. Currently, Planned Parenthood is embattled in a new fraud cases in Iowa. In...
On Wednesday, Tom Horne, attorney general for the State of Arizona, filed a petition with the Supreme Court asking the Court to decide...
In a move that will spare countless innocent lives, the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request by Planned Parenthood...
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England has agreed to pay $30,000 in settlement of a claim that it violated campaign finance laws. ...
The Wisconsin State Assembly passed a bill last Thursday that will allow for the creation and sale of “Choose Life” licenses plates....
Having beaten up Republicans for a few posts in a row, it’s time to return to the other side of the political...
A sexually suggestive ad supporting ObamaCare has left plenty of Americans disturbed. The ad, released by the Thanks ObamaCare campaign (who is...
There are Republicans who courageously fight for the right to life, Republicans who gallantly chicken out at the first sign of pushback,...
In late October, federal judge Lee Yeakel prevented portions of Texas’ pro-life omnibus bill, HB2, from going into effect on its intended...
As the saying goes, all that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. But there’s something even...
The group All Above All is calling their message a bold one, and it certainly is. While in downtown Washington, DC I...