Texas Judge Lee Yeakel has just ruled that part of the new Texas law imposing restrictions on abortion is unconstitutional. A federal...
The ACLU, in its “Not Stupid” campaign, claims that pro-life laws continue to pass around the nation because “extremist” politicians “think we...
In a September 12th appearance at George Mason University, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said that he would be a “brick wall” against...
A few months ago, I wrote a piece about an attack from Planned Parenthood and Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. The attack...
A dry-erase board in the back of a CT Pregnancy Resource Center reads, “Pray for Formula.” Just last week, a woman came...
As you most certainly know, and as Lauren Enriquez has written about already, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis is running for governor. Many...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
Yesterday, California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr signed into law legislation that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions. After being passed in the...
On Thursday, the Tenth Circuit once again ruled against Obama’s HHS Mandate that requires many employers to provide abortion-inducing drugs as part...
A few weeks before August 2, 2012, when Arizona’s law that prohibited abortion after twenty weeks (unless necessary to prevent death or...
Students for Life of America or (SFLA) is a national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping high school, college, medical school,...
Planned Parenthood displayed its motive to protect its bottom line today when the organization filed a federal lawsuit against the state of...
Breaking news today that absolutely no one could be surprised by: pro-abortion darling Wendy Davis will, indeed, be running for governor of...
In a September 13 op-ed, pro-life activist and politician Star Parker astutely posited that the reason President Barack Obama’s September 10 address...