First Texas?
This week the Obama campaign has been running web ads declaring their support for abortion under the euphemism of "choice."
This coming Monday, Californian legislators will vote to reconsider an abortion bill we thought we had already vanquished.
Advocates for the act are optimistic, calling this latest setback a "momentum-builder."
It's appropriate to make a Nazi comparison when an American state government models its legislation off the Nazis'.
Dereliction of duty this brazen should be a lot harder to come by.
...And advocates for making sexual predators' lives easier at the same time.
Supporters of the Personhood Act in Oklahoma vowed that the act would not die without a fight, and they meant it.
The Newman Club Newark has released a video in support of religious freedom and in opposition to the Obama’s Health and Human...
President Obama is inextricably tied to Planned Parenthood, and he likes it that way. But do we want the agenda of Planned...
April 17, 1995. Seventeen years ago today. A bomb went off. The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by this act...
First posted on YouTube on March 10, 2012, views for “Test of Fire: Election 2012” from Catholics Called to Witness (CC2W) have...
Democrats are busy declaring that the “war on women” is alive and well in Ohio. The state’s legislature is considering a bill...
The exit of Rick Santorum from the campaign earlier this week all but assures that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee...