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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Live Action and Students for Life of America Launch Dear Congress Video Contest to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Contact: Kate...
February 24, 2011 The Honorable John Boehner U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Speaker Boehner, Planned Parenthood, a scandal-plagued abortion...
We applaud those in Congress who championed the safety of women, young girls and children today, and refused to funnel hundreds of... writes: Attorney General Paula Dow asked the Division of Criminal Justice to investigate whether the manager broke any laws. “At first...
FoxNews is running a poll and asking for your say – vote here. The results so far:
Today, President Obama expressed his support for the choice to abort one’s own child. Obama’s statement: Today marks the 38th anniversary of...
The Associated Press via the Seattle Times reports that the State of Washington has settled with Planned Parenthood after an initial audit...
The Associated Press is reporting that the Birmingham, Alabama, Planned Parenthood abortion clinic has been placed on probation for failing to follow...
Last time we took a look at Planned Parenthood of Indiana, we saw a “health” provider train-wreck: two different PP abortion locations,...
U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D) has released a strong response to a new NARAL Pro-Choice America ad that is circulating the latest...