A recent conversation between contestants on the reality show “Love Is Blind” has angered members of the Down syndrome community. On the...
On Wednesday, The Dr. Phil Show aired part two of an episode regarding the issue of abortion and life in America following...
There are a plethora of nonfiction pro-life books to read, including Live Action founder Lila Rose’s work Fighting For Life. When it...
Cards Against Humanity, a popular card game labeled as “a party game for horrible people,” is donating 100% of its profits from...
When Taylor Swift released her tenth studio album, “Midnights,” on Friday, October 21, one song struck a chord with many listeners. While...
Kanye “Ye” West appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” this week wearing a lanyard that featured the ultrasound of a baby....
Paramount+ has launched a preview for the new season of “Inside Amy Schumer,” featuring what the network calls an “elevator pitch for...
Staunch abortion supporter Whoopi Goldberg appeared to refer to preborn children as “toxic things” on a recent podcast with former CNN journalist...
Netflix has released a controversial film about the imagined life of Marilyn Monroe. ‘Blonde,’ which stars Ana de Armas as the famous...
TV personality Chrissy Teigen is now claiming that the pregnancy loss she suffered two years ago was actually an abortion, and that...
In a recent interview with Vogue, actress and new mom Jennifer Lawrence revealed that she has experienced two miscarriages, but notes that...
On August 26, the Rocky Mountain Vibes canceled family night at UC Health Park, that had been sponsored by two pro-life organizations...
A Netflix movie portraying a woman having a fulfilling life after an unplanned pregnancy has garnered the ire of Glamour magazine. The...
Actress Maya Hawke of “Stranger Things” fame, daughter of actress Uma Thurman and actor Ethan Hawke, told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight...