The Netflix series Big Mouth recently produced an episode which glorified abortion business Planned Parenthood, touting the organization’s debunked and misleading statistic claiming that abortion...
Patrick Courrielche, a media entrepreneur perhaps best known for his work writing groundbreaking exposés and for pioneering the pop-up retail trend, stated on his Twitter...
Philip Rivers, quarterback for the Los Angeles Chargers, is well known for his faith and love of family. When he appeared on...
Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is most well known these days for his social justice advocacy, but what many people don’t know...
Sarah Silverman — a comedian known for her outlandish and offensive statements — recently claimed that she knows more science than, well,...
Comedian Chelsea Handler has partnered with abortion activism organization NARAL to fight against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Abortion advocates...
(Newsbusters) Rapper Cardi B may or may not be pro-life, but she just used a major music awards ceremony to send a pro-life...
Hollywood elites like to share the products they love with their fans. It’s no different for the new mom celebrities who have...
The movie “Gosnell” is set to be released this fall, and it will tell the story of Kermit Gosnell, America’s most prolific...
Oprah Winfrey’s Network (OWN) is home to the show BLACK LOVE – an inspiring documentary which affirms the value of marriage through...
“I wanted to meet [her] mostly to see if she was OK and to thank her, because I’m glad I didn’t end...
(Life Defenders) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is the sequel to the, according to Wesley Morris of the New York Times, ‘wackadoo...
May 4th is Star Wars Day, and some families expressed their loyalty to the saga with Star Wars themed photo shoots featuring...
Black pro-life poet Shawn Welcome produced a passionate poem several years ago to address abortion, a tragedy he calls the “new civil...