In Netflix’s GLOW, Ruth Wilder, played by Alison Brie, becomes pregnant following an affair with her best friend’s husband. Such a storyline...
It’s a crowded field and competition is fierce, but alleged “comedian” Chelsea Handler may have just secured the title of Most Hypocritical...
A Philadelphia-based theater company is planning to stage a musical comedy about abortion — but while the production is still weeks away...
Despite criticism from pro-abortion bands and pro-abortion attendees, Vans Warped Tour has welcomed the pro-life non-profit Rock for Life back for a...
Hollywood isn’t known for being pro-life. But that doesn’t mean abortion is being promoted in every movie and television show, much to...
Another day, another utterly insipid pro-abortion diatribe is being promoted as wise and courageous by the cult of death—this time with a...
There are many reasons Dunham may have chosen to back off the case that commitment-free sex, made possible by contraception and abortion,...
Sometimes in post-production, filmmakers realize that something doesn’t look quite right or is missing from a scene, and cast and crew have...
Kathy Griffin recently made news for her vulgar display featuring her holding a bloody and decapitated fake head of President Donald Trump....
DC’s Wonder Woman has all kinds of fans awaiting the film coming out June 2. The Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn however, has...
Every year during Emmy season, television shows will lobby to be nominated for an award. This usually involves spending large amounts of...
Life-affirming entertainment was a recurring theme at the International Christian Film Festival in Orlando, Florida early this month. The ICFF, perhaps the world’s...
Planned Parenthood performs 323,999 abortions per year, according to its most recently available annual report. The organization commits the lion’s share, approximately 35 percent of the...
Young Hollywood power couple Ian Somerhalder (Lost, The Vampire Diaries) and Nikki Reed (The Twilight Saga, Sleepy Hollow) recently announced that they...