It’s sick and twisted for anyone to advocate for the killing of children with disabilities. Dawkins’s ignorant comments serve only to further...
August 13, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Arlington, VA – A new video from the pro-life group Live Action shows a Planned Parenthood facility...
Contact: Statement from Live Action president Lila Rose: Too many parents are totally unaware of what their children are being exposed...
CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Statement from Lila Rose: We are relieved to learn that authorities in Colorado taking these tapes, and their shocking and extremely...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Planned Parenthood Pushes BDSM on Teens PP Counselor Promotes “Asphyxiation,” “Tying Up,” “Whipping” Arlington,...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 11, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Planned Parenthood Counselor Promotes “Anal Sex,” “Whips,” Sex Stores to 15-Year-Old Arlington, VA –...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 12, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Lila Rose, Live Action President: You’re seeing step one of the Planned Parenthood damage...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 10, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Multiple Counselors Promote BDSM, “Sex Shops,” “Dominatrix Stuff” to Minors Arlington, VA – A...
Pro-Life Org Releases “Six Years of Exposing Planned Parenthood” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MAY 28, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Arlington, VA – Live Action...
Media contact: May 6th, 2014 – “Letts’s campaign to normalize the execution of a child lies to all of us. She ...
April 24 – "Of course everyone should be outraged and sickened by the baby-burning plant in Oregon. But what is worse –...
April 7, 2014 — Live Action went to New York for our Inhuman investigation for a reason: this is one of America’s...
March 27, 2014 — Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, sought the elimination of “human weeds” and those “unfit” to “breed,” including African-Americans and...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NOVEMBER 15, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Hotel Profiting from “Room-Service Abortions” in Albuquerque “Late-Term Abortion Capital of the US” to...