Victims and Victors is a book that contains interviews of rape victims who became pregnant. Some aborted; some carried their babies to...
A pro-choice feminist who observed abortions at a busy abortion clinic for her book Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a...
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...
Patricia Launneborg’s book Abortion: a Positive Decision is a difficult book for a pro-lifer to read. As the title indicates, it presents...
A clinic worker talks about changing attitudes about abortion due to ultrasound: A lot of it is the politics around ultrasound, I...
In an article in Harper’s Magazine, abortion clinic worker Sallie Tisdale says: I have fetus dreams, we all do here: dreams of...
Live Action contributor Lauren Enriquez wrote an article a week ago about pro-choice author Magda Denes. Denes, who survived Nazi Germany, held...
An anonymous abortionist talks about the difference between doing a D&E to remove a dead baby from a miscarriage and performing an elective abortion:...
From an author who observed women come and go at a busy abortion clinic: The core of the pro-choice trench [the escorts]...
In an article in Florida Today, abortionist Patricia Baird-Windle had some things to say about her work: I now consider abortion to be a...
Sometimes pro-choice activists say things that show they are completely out of touch with reality. On my website Clinicquotes, I have a...
From pro-choice author Melody Rose: The images and language most often wielded by pro-life advocates are vivid and emotional… recent developments in...
An article in the book The Abortion Controversy has a disturbing quote by a pro-choice activist: In 1989, the Miami Herald ran a story...
A nurse from a Seattle abortion clinic said the following at a meeting of abortion providers where they discussed the emotional impact...