Abortionist Leah Torres is notorious for her outspoken, often inflammatory, arguments in support of abortion. For Torres, there is evidently no regulation...
Americans United for Life recently conducted a poll which showed that most Americans think abortion facilities should be held to the same...
A photograph debated to be the greatest of the 20th century is the picture of a baby boy whom some would argue...
The last abortion facility in Missouri has just called an ambulance for the 75th time in 10 years after a patient was...
(National Right to Life News) The Lancet recently published a study by Julia Steinberg and colleagues titled, “The Association Between First Abortion and...
A recent report from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has revealed that, despite claims to the contrary, Google executives and engineers actively...
A 26-year-old woman is suing Planned Parenthood after she was left alone following insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD), and fell and...
The jury has returned with a verdict of guilty for The Center for Medical Progress and the undercover investigators in the civil...
Many people in our culture mistakenly believe that when a child is diagnosed before birth with a potentially severe health condition, the...
“Every child a wanted child.” That has been both the slogan and the mind frame of abortion advocates for decades. It is...
One of the most basic arguments used to justify abortion is that preborn children are not human beings. Instead, they are routinely...
Days after abortionist Ulrich “George” Klopfer’s death on September 3, 2019, his family found the remains of 2,246 aborted children stored in...
From time to time, Live Action receives emails and messages from people telling us the lifesaving impact our articles and videos have...
One of the largest ever worldwide 40 Days for Life campaigns has just come to an end, and president Shawn Carney wrote...