Father Fidelis Moscinski has been found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or FACE Act, and faces one year in prison.
Last July, Father Fidelis was able to keep anyone from entering Planned Parenthood of Greater New York in Hempstead for approximately two hours, according to a Department of Justice release. He first placed locks and chains on the entrance, and then covered them with glue, keeping anyone from getting through the gate. After the police and fire department arrived and cut the locks down, Father Fidelis returned and laid down in front of the gate so vehicles could not get in.
“As alleged, the defendant made repeated attempts to disrupt and deny access to a Planned Parenthood facility in violation of the FACE act,” FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Driscoll said. “These attempts interfered with the community’s ability to seek reproductive and pregnancy health services, and today’s action should serve as a reminder of the FBI’s commitment to protecting the civil rights of all.”
After his attempt to shut down the abortion facility, Father Fidelis gave an interview with EWTN explaining his actions. “Imagine if you were one of those children scheduled to be executed that day,” he said. “Would you not want every possible effort to be made to save your life? And saying that something is a step too far is simply saying, ‘Well, some lives are less valuable than others; we could sacrifice only up to a point, and then we’ll let these others die.’”
Father Fidelis has been arrested before for participating in Red Rose Rescues and in at least one instance, was able to help persuade a woman not to go through with the abortion.
He was also present during a Witness for Life procession which was mobbed by pro-abortion advocates, but said the violent scare tactics wouldn’t keep him from advocating for life. “As long as that abortion clinic is up the street, we will continue,” he said.