Did you know house cats typically oppose pro-life legislation? Yeah, I didn’t know either, and there’s actually a pretty good reason for that. It’s because they don’t. They’re cats.

Image via prochoicecats.com
Amanda Patton seems to have other ideas. In addition to working at an Ohio abortion facility, Patton is a blogger who designs t-shirts and political memes featuring her pet cat. Bearing the slogan “Leave my p***y alone,” the shirts help pay for pro-abortion advertising. “Cats,” Patton insists, “are just naturally pro-choice because they do not care what women do with their bodies.” Oddly, she doesn’t cite any polling data to support this claim.
But while feline attitudes towards abortion remain largely undocumented, not everything about the issue is so obscure. For example, there’s plenty of evidence that the abortion industry doesn’t care what men do with women’s bodies… or with the bodies of underage girls.
When you’re a sexual abuser, pregnancy is a major headache. Questions are going to get asked, especially when your victim is below the age of consent. The easiest solution? Turn that incriminating baby into medical waste (or marketable body parts). Denise Fairbanks’ father understood this; that’s why he brought her to Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain.
Fairbanks would later recount in a lawsuit how she was impregnated by her father and then taken in for an abortion. Despite telling Planned Parenthood clinic staff that she was the victim of incest, they didn’t call the authorities.
Gary Cross followed a similar approach with his 13 year-old stepdaughter. Timothy Smith did the same with his victim too. So did John Blanks, Jr., Adam Gault, Joseph Coles, Kevon Walker, Edgar Ramirez and dozens of other predators. In each case, a “choice provider” enabled these men to stay out of jail and keep harming their victims.
As you can see, the abortion industry has a habit of enabling abuse. Meanwhile, pro-lifers are committed to fighting it. You can help by supporting laws requiring that abortion facilities offer a private room equipped with information on support services and a telephone to contact law enforcement.
You can also tell Congress to redirect over half a billion dollars in funding from Planned Parenthood to federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). FQHCs perform an array of services; unlike Planned Parenthood, they provided women with more than five hundred thousand mammograms last year. What didn’t they provide? Abusers with cover-up abortions.
While I’m still not sold on the idea that cats embrace a pro-abortion agenda, Ms. Patton might be right about them not caring “what women do with their bodies.” If so, then many pro-lifers feel the same way. What are we concerned with? What happens to children–both inside the womb and out.