Planned Parenthood has been desperate for a long time to make themselves out to be purveyors of women’s health care, when really, their business revolves around — what else? — abortion. Oh, sure, they like to pretend that they care about things besides abortion. They certainly do offer other services, but their own annual report shows that abortion is their bread and butter.
According to their annual report, the number of abortions they performed has increased over the years, while their other health care services have decreased. It’s all about the money for Planned Parenthood, and abortion sure is lucrative. That’s why they have required all Planned Parenthood affiliates to perform abortions, causing them to subsequently lose affiliates that actually did care about health care. What abortion is not, is PR-friendly. People don’t like abortion. So Planned Parenthood has to pretend they actually care about women’s health, even lying about the services they perform. (Remember the mammogram debacle?)
So it’s kind of cute — and by cute, I actually mean enraging — to see Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards try to compare abortion to actual necessary medical procedures. In an interview with Bill Moyers, Richards compared women getting abortions to men getting colonoscopies, asking us to imagine if men had to endure protests in order to get medical procedures performed. Because war on women!
BILL MOYERS: What do you think will come from the court’s junking of the 35-foot buffer zone?
CECILE RICHARDS: Well, we’re already seeing in Massachusetts that absolutely, immediately after that decision eliminating the buffer zone we had record numbers of protesters outside of the following women all the way up to the door of our health center in Massachusetts. These are not all kindly, elderly ladies simply whispering in the ears.
And even if they were, it is the right of women in this country to be able to access healthcare that they need without harassment and without the advice of dozens of people outside their health center. I mean, can you imagine if, you know, if men in this country, before going into their doctor had to walk through a gauntlet of protesters telling them, you know, whether it’s not to get a colonoscopy or just go down the list? It’s incredible.
MOYERS: Is there a war on women? Or has that become a convenient metaphor?
RICHARDS: It’s not a term I use. But in some ways, if the shoe fits, you know, I feel like I don’t like to think there’s a war on women. But the evidence is that there is certainly within some, certainly some elements of the Republican party, and unfortunately a lot of the leadership, and a lot of politicians in this country, folks who are uncomfortable, I believe, with women being equal in America.
Does anyone else find it revealing that Richards equates an unborn child with a person’s bowels?
Anyway, there goes Cecile Richards, trying to turn abortion into “health care” again. See, it’s just so, so wrong for women to have to endure protests on the way to murder the little demon spawn growing inside of them! But let’s just compare abortion to a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy, according to WebMD, is:
Colonoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large intestine camera.gif (rectum and colon). He or she uses a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscope to look at the colon. A colonoscopy helps find ulcers, colon polyps, tumors, and areas of inflammation or bleeding. During a colonoscopy, tissue samples can be collected (biopsy) and abnormal growths can be taken out. Colonoscopy can also be used as a screening test to check for cancer or precancerous growths in the colon or rectum (polyps).
Sounds pretty important, right? Not only important, but potentially life-saving. Abortion, on the other hand, is the act of killing an unborn child. Dress it up in whatever cheerful euphemisms you want, but that’s what it is. It is almost never medically necessary, despite constant caterwauling from abortion advocates to the contrary. This has become especially fashionable for the abortion lobby to claim regarding late-term abortions — it’s because of health issues with the baby or the mother! — but that’s not true.
Even the pro-abortion, former arm of Planned Parenthood, Guttmacher Institute owns up to the fact that the vast, vast majority of abortions are performed because of convenience. It makes a pleasant talking point, sure, that abortions are mostly performed because of a birth defect or because otherwise the mother will die, but it just isn’t the truth.
So comparing a legitimate and potentially life-saving medical procedure to an elective, almost always unnecessary, procedure that takes the life of an unborn child just doesn’t quite fly. Cecile Richards and her ilk have always tried to deny the unborn of their inherent humanity, calling them “clumps of tissue” or “products of conception”. But comparing a polyp to a fetus?
By the time any abortion is performed, the baby almost surely already has a heartbeat and brain waves, not a useless and potentially cancerous piece of tissue. And the fact that Cecile Richards sees any similarity between the two at all shows just how depraved her mind truly is.
Editor’s Note, 3/24/21: A statistic from a third party stating that 94% of Planned Parenthood’s services to pregnant women is abortion has been removed due to possible statistical inaccuracies.