
Cecile Richards insults women voters who disagree with her

As a pro-life woman, I take my right to vote very seriously. While political pundits may like to lump one very large and diverse group together, not all women vote the same way.

It’s offensive to hear people use the term “women’s issues” when what they really mean is free birth control and access to abortion. It’s even more offensive to me because I believe individuals should provide their own birth control. And, more importantly it’s offensive when I fight to remind women they have other options besides abortion.

And yet the abortion industry also claims to fight for women, while killing their children in the name of choice. Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, even broke precedent to endorse abortion supporter Hillary Clinton for president during the primary process.

As Live Action News reported on Monday, Planned Parenthood CEO and President Cecile Richards, with Clinton smiling and nodding by her side, took aim at Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz (yet again), claiming “A woman voting for Ted Cruz is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.”

In view of how Planned Parenthood gained notoriety last summer when undercover videos showed top Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts, the gruesome comparison of chicken parts to baby parts was quickly noted by many following Richards’ remarks.


It’s likely that Richards was intending to insult only Cruz with her analogy. He is, after all, a politician used to being in the spotlight and taking such hits. But while running an organization that claims to fight for the so-called rights of women and so-called women’s health, Richards alienated an entire voting bloc, insulting certain women right along with Cruz. She now joins the ranks of Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who was forced to apologize after claiming at a Clinton campaign rally that there is a “special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

Does this mean Richards only fights for women who agree with her organization’s extreme views on abortion? Are the rest of us so clueless about issues Richards and the abortion industry care about (and think other women should care about) that we’re to be compared to chicken voting for Colonel Sanders?

I have never expected Richards to speak for me, stand up for me, or fight for me. I disagree with her views, but I respect that she has a right to communicate what she believes in, just like I have that right. But instead of granting me that same respect, Richards insults women like me. How’s that for feminism?

Women deserve better than Planned Parenthood and the abortion and abuse they provide, and they deserve better than being compared to animals by someone who claims to support women.

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