
Cecile Richards: Women voting for Cruz are like chickens voting for KFC

In Episode 5204 of Outlandish Statements by Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant’s president, Cecile Richards, criticized women today. At a campaign event for Hillary Clinton, Richards took to the microphone to declare: “A woman voting for Ted Cruz is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.”

Richards joins another pro-abortion woman, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, in laying the shame on women who choose not to vote for Clinton. Albright was criticized back in February for exclaiming, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” Her comment was made in reference to the supposed duty of women to vote for Clinton over fellow Democrat, Bernie Sanders.

The New York Times covered Albright’s statement (as well as others made by Gloria Steinem):

“Shame on Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright for implying that we as women should be voting for a candidate based solely on gender,” Zoe Trimboli, a 23-year-old from Vermont who supports Mr. Sanders and describes herself as a feminist, wrote on Facebook. “I can tell you that shaming me and essentially calling me misinformed and stupid is NOT the way to win my vote.”

The media is already erupting with criticism for Richards’ comment relating women voters to chickens. The Washington Times printed an op-ed that declares:

I’m at a loss for exactly what she means – is she implying that Mr. Cruz, being profoundly pro-life, wants to kill young women? And then eat them? What?

This sort of speech is so outrageous. And wrong. And clearly meant to stir up emotions rather than to have an educated, civil debate.

A number of other outlets are spreading Twitter reactions to Richards’ comment. Many find it ironic that the head of an organization known for ripping apart and killing human babies (and harvesting their organs and parts) would compare someone else to a chicken slaughterer:

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