United Airlines has been censoring Live Action News, blocking access to the site on its inflight wifi.
United Airlines’ policy states that it does not “allow customers to access certain websites that may be inappropriate or unsuitable for inflight viewing.” If United considered abortion-related sites as “unsuitable for inflight viewing,” a good number of sites would be blocked.
However, both Planned Parenthood’s and NARAL’s websites are fully accessible on United’s wifi. NARAL’s homepage was even directly showing viewers a video of an “abortion story.”
The blocking of Live Action News by United Airlines is censorship, plain and simple. Other sites that display graphic abortion content – just as Live Action News does when appropriate – were also visited inflight on United’s wifi, and neither were blocked.
Live Action News appears to be singled out for United Airlines censorship.
In 2012, Live Action News ran an article exposing the funding of abortion by former United CEO, Jeff Smisek. Is United Airlines blocking Live Action in retribution for this article? Are they blocking it because company officials still side with Big Abortion?
Regardless of the reason, this specific censorship of Live Action News is unacceptable. It deprives Americans of a basic choice: to view the news agency they prefer. Despite payment by United customers, and despite viewing privileges being granted to Planned Parenthood’s and NARAL’s sites, Live Action News has been unfairly excluded, blocked, and censored.
The censorship of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans must stop. We call on United Airlines to stop blocking and censoring Live Action News immediately.
You can contact United Airline’s Customer Care here or by calling 1-877-624-2660 and leaving a voice message.