Human Interest

They changed their minds about abortion in minutes: ‘That’s a life they’re destroying’

Many people in support of abortion have no idea what it really is: the often brutal dismemberment or poisoning of a preborn child. And when Live Action’s team takes to the streets to ask people their thoughts on abortion, many people who see the reality of what it is react with shock. Often, interviewees express their support for the procedure at first — but after seeing what an abortion actually does, find themselves unable to support it the way they previously did.

As seen in the following video, learning the truth changes many hearts and minds:


Initially, everyone interviewed in the video agreed on one thing: their support of abortion.

“Everybody has a choice,” said one woman.

“I think if it’s what you need to do, then do it,” said another.

“I think woman should have the right to choose whether or not they want to abort their children,” added a young man.

These sentiments changed once they were given a chance to view a video from Live Action’s ‘What Is Abortion‘ campaign. This video series walks viewers through the most commonly used abortion procedures, including the abortion pill, suction dilation and curettage (D&C), dilation and evacuation (D&E), and induction abortion procedures.

In each video, former abortionists describe in detail the brutal process that kills the preborn child.


As the people on the street view these videos, shock and horror crosses their faces.

“That’s pretty horrific. I didn’t think they did it like that,” admitted a man.

Another man who had expressed his support of abortion all the way until birth just minutes earlier completely changed his tune. “I don’t think it’s right that the baby has to go through all that because someone didn’t want them,” he said.

“After watching that video, my opinion changed 100 percent,” admitted a woman.

Another woman spoke about being taken in by the lies and misinformation peddled by the abortion industry. “I always just thought it was like a little seed that they, kinda, scope out,” she said.

Another viewer was moved to tears and visibly upset after watching the video, as she explained, “My mom went through five abortions before she decided to keep me… It’s not like a designer handbag, ‘Oh maybe I’ll keep it or not.’ It’s a life.”

The interviewees agreed that after viewing the video, they want to make sure others have a chance to watch too.

“That’s a life they’re destroying, and the baby hasn’t even got a chance to see what life’s all about,” a woman remarked. “They have no choice.”

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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