On March 3, Operation Rescue reported that a Planned Parenthood center in Chicago put 911 dispatchers on hold for 25 seconds after staff began reporting information for the wrong patient.
Planned Parenthood staff working at the Near North Center called for an ambulance on November 1, 2016, when a patient began experiencing “extremely high blood pressure.” Operation Rescue notes that “[o]nce the right information was given to the dispatcher, it was redacted by the City of Chicago.”
The Planned Parenthood on La Salle Drive is noted to have been the likely site of an abortion death in 2012 — that of Tonya Reaves, who died after abortionist Mandy Gittler perforated Reaves’ uterus during a second trimester abortion and then neglected to call an ambulance for five hours while Reaves hemorrhaged internally.
Operation Rescue says that “Planned Parenthood later settled a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Reaves’ family for $1.5 million.” Despite this, abortionist Gittler was not fired by Planned Parenthood, but instead transferred to another facility in a neighboring state.
Live Action News’ Cassy Fiano wrote that at the time of Reaves’ death at the Chicago Planned Parenthood, “the Planned Parenthood clinic where Reaves’ abortion was performed was listed as not performing surgical abortions. So why, then, was a surgical abortion performed…?” She adds, “It also turns out that the clinic never even called 911” on the day of Reaves’ abortion.