Operation Rescue has discovered that two women were sent to the emergency room within five days after undergoing abortions at a Chicago Planned Parenthood facility.
The first injury took place on January 20th at the Elizabeth Cohn Morris Health Center Planned Parenthood on North La Salle Drive in Chicago. A 911 call was placed when a woman began hemorrhaging severely after an abortion. “The patient is here for a procedure, and is just having a little bit of heavy bleeding,” the staffer told the dispatcher. The dispatcher then asked if it was heavy bleeding, as opposed to hemorrhage, which the staffer said was not the case.
“I think there is a little bit of urgency. It is heavy, so I would say it is a hemorrhage,” she said, and then added, “And can they make sure to bring a stretcher, please?”
The request for a stretcher is unusual, and possibly indicated that the patient, who was 29, was unable to walk out of the facility of her own volition.
The next injury was five days later on January 25th, and again involved a 29-year-old woman hemorrhaging after an abortion. “We have a patient who is post-procedure, and she is having some vaginal bleeding,” the staffer said, echoing the previous call.
In both instances, an ambulance was needed.
Hemorrhage after a surgical abortion can be due to a laceration or perforation, both of which are known risks. The risk is even higher for abortions taking place in the second or third trimester. Numerous organs can be injured, including the uterus, cervix, bowel, bladder, rectum, and more.
This particular facility commits abortions through 22 weeks gestation, and has a history of injuring women. One of the victims of this facility was Tonya Reaves, who suffered a uterine perforation, among other injuries, and she lost 30% of her blood volume in internal bleeding, with roughly one liter of blood pooling in her abdominal cavity.
“The abortionists at this high-volume Planned Parenthood continue to butcher women in the process of violently killing their precious, innocent babies,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said in a statement. “… The suffering experienced by mothers is just a by-product of increasing their profit.”