Pro-life writer Jonathan Van Maren shared a heartbreaking video featuring victims of China’s barbaric One-Child Policy, including a mother forced into an abortion, parents who lost their child and are now facing old age alone, and an artist who turned the horror of millions of murdered children into art.
Yang Zhneling married a man who already had a child. Although she had never been pregnant before, it did not matter to the government; she was still forced to have an abortion at nine months — when her baby was full term. “They made a mistake,” she said through tears. “I should have had my baby. They did not let me keep my child.”
While it’s not clear what kind of abortion procedure was committed on her, the most common procedure used in the third trimester in the United States is an induction abortion. This is a multi-day procedure, committed against a preborn baby capable of surviving outside the womb, and begins when the abortionist injects the baby’s heart with digoxin, which kills the baby. Several days later, after the woman’s cervix has been dilated with laminaria, she then delivers the body of her dead baby. For a woman like Yang, this would be especially traumatizing.
READ: The heartbreaking consequences of abortion in China and India China and India
In Chinese culture, children take care of their elderly parents and grandparents. But because of the One-Child Policy, hundreds of millions of children — particularly girls — are missing. And as adults in China age, they are confronted with the reality that they will be growing old alone, with no one to help them or take care of them. China has the highest suicide rate of women in the world, and Zhao Ru Xian’s daughter is one of the victims, having committed suicide three years ago. “Does the government know our suffering?” Zhao asked as she sobbed. “Where is the Communist Party? Where is my country? Who is listening to our pain?”
The One-Child Policy — which was backed by Planned Parenthood — has had terrible consequences for Chinese society, as an estimated 400 million babies, many of them girls, were aborted.
READ: In China, 590 women commit suicide daily. You can help to change that.
Wang Peng, a Chinese artist, has collected the bodies of preborn babies who were victims of forced abortion, ranging in age from five to nine months. Wang’s friends gave him the bodies because they wanted to show the world the cruelty of China’s one-child policy, and Wang has kept them as evidence of what he calls murder. He made paintings about these children, who were aborted or abandoned, but he faced state-sponsored persecution because of it. Some of his paintings were seized by authorities, and Wang himself was evicted and beaten.
“My works showed aspects of the family planning issue, and a lot canvases showed fetuses that had been thrown away,” he said. After he was evicted, he laid out more paintings near the Songzhuang Artists’ Village outside of Beijing, only for Chinese authorities to be sent to take them away. “They saw this as a threat to the absolute power of their dictatorial regime. The family planning regime highlights all sorts of inequalities in human rights,” he explained. “I have black and blue marks all over my arms and legs. My ear isn’t working well. They sent 20-30 chengguan as well as a bunch from the local police station to snatch my paintings and to threaten me, saying I couldn’t lay them out there. After that, the state security police sought me out for ‘a chat’ and threatened me, saying I had to leaving Songzhuang,” Wang said, adding, “I also had to stop making artwork related to the family planning policy.”
The One-Child Policy has since been “relaxed” to a Two-Child Policy, but the human rights abuses continue. And videos like the one above help to highlight the horrors that have taken place in China.