When any person or organization supports Planned Parenthood – or abortion in any way – I am sad. I am doubly sad when that person or organization is a Christian. As a Christian myself, I would hope that other Christians would know better.
There are so many other ways to empower women. Abortion hurts, weakens, and desensitizes women. It does not help them or empower them, even when they think it does. Abortion replaces the burdens they carry with an always heavier burden of guilt. Whether or not the woman feels guilty, she still bears the guilt of killing her child. Of course, any sin/wrong act can be forgiven. Any guilt can be removed. Christians understand this, as we believe that Jesus Christ died to pay for any sins we commit. But understanding that our wrong acts have been paid for, if we accept this forgiveness and grace, does not give Christians an excuse to support abortion in any way, shape, or form. Forgiveness is never an excuse to do wrong, especially to an innocent person.
Nearly a month ago, I first heard about the Christian company Thirty-One. It is a multi-level marketing company of sorts that sells purses, picnic blankets, and lots of organizational supplies for women. A lady I know had recently started selling Thirty-One products, so I decided to check out the website and catalog.
Once on the website, I noticed that Thirty-One donates a portion of its proceeds to organizations that help women. Good idea, right? I sure think so. Anyway, I really wanted to find out who they donated to, but I couldn’t locate the information I wanted. I sent the staff there an e-mail:
I noticed that a portion of your proceeds goes to non-profits that empower women. Can I get a full list of which organizations you give to? How does an organization apply to be one of the ones you donate to?
I received an immediate reply that assured me that Thirty-One would respond within 24-48 hours. Indeed, they responded very quickly. However, I found their reply rather odd and off-topic:
I am writing regarding your recent inquiry about fundraisers. At this time, Thirty-One does not offer company sponsored fundraisers or donations to such events. However, we do encourage our consultants to support their community through these events. Please visit www.thirtyonegifts.com to find a consultant who can better assist you in reaching your fundraising goals. We wish you the very best during your event and commend your kindness.
Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Naturally, I did have other questions. The thing I wanted to know was which organizations Thirty-One donates to. I had thought my question was fairly obvious from my first e-mail, but I asked again:
Thank you for your answer, but the main question I had was if there was a list of organizations that Thirty-one Gifts gives to. If you could answer that for me, I’d greatly appreciate it.
I sent my second e-mail on March 22 and still have received no answer. Considering their quick response the first time, I was rather wary of who they donated to, since they avoided answering me the second time around. However, I didn’t pursue things any further with the company.
You can imagine my surprise when, yesterday, I was browsing LifeNews.com and saw Abby Johnson’s article: “Christian Biz Thirty-One Gifts Funds Planned Parenthood’s Friends.” I did my own research, based on Abby Johnson’s provided information, and I confirmed that one of Thirty-One’s “partner organizations,” The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio, does indeed give directly to Planned Parenthood. They even link to Planned Parenthood on their site.
Needless to say, I was greatly dismayed. I don’t doubt Thirty-One when they say that their motto is “Empowering women. Strengthening families. Changing lives.” But funding an organization that directly funds Planned Parenthood is not the way to do this. Abortion weakens women; it breaks up families; it changes lives for the worst – by killing an innocent person. I’m sure this is not what Thirty-One had in mind.
Now, I don’t know if Thirty-One is intentionally giving to Planned Parenthood’s friends or if the people at the company just failed to do their research. But what I do know is that this is unacceptable activity on the part of a Christian company who claims to stand for women and families. This is not what we need to see from a Christian company that is growing in popularity and predicted to rise to greatness. Please join me in calling on Thirty-One to end its gifts to Planned Parenthood’s friends and to stand up for the innocent – something that is part of every Christian’s duty.
You can contact Thirty-One through this online form or call them at 1-866-GIFTS31. If you have a friend who is a Thirty-One consultant, please be sure to share this information with her, and urge her to call on Thirty-One to give to organizations like those listed at Lifecall that really help women!