Many Americans begin Christmas shopping in earnest during the wild event infamously known as Black Friday. Of course, in recent years, this sale has become a several-day-long affair, culminating for some in Cyber Monday.
If you have pro-lifers on your Christmas shopping list and are looking for a few ideas, here goes:
- Choose pro-life apparel and accessories.
Through the end of Sunday, you can score 25% off at Rock for Life’s online store. Rock for Life tours the country, specifically sharing the pro-life message at concerts and festivals. Sometimes they pass out literature in front of high schools, participate in peaceful street activism, and host their own pro-life concerts. And during this sale weekend, they are offering “25% off of pro-life t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, zip-up hoodies, military caps, bumperstickers, buttons, etc., etc.” Use the code “blackfriday,” and you are good to go!
- Give a precious memento of life.
Camille Allen is a talented artist who sculpts life-like babies out of clay. They are absolutely beautiful and are a worthy reminder of the lives we fight to save throughout the year. Camille’s 2014 calendars are about to come out, and she also offers journals, postcards, and more. Take a look here. For more economical options, you can also check out LorisLittles or ClayMates, two beautiful Etsy shops. Seriously – these three artists make such amazing creations that I may even ask for one for Christmas!
- Shop on Amazon.
This year, through AmazonSmile, 0.5% of your purchase price will be donated (by Amazon) to Students for Life of America, if you use this link: AmazonSmile helps customers give to a charity of their choice, and Students for Life has become a charity option. So before you do your online Christmas (or personal) shopping – even after this weekend – click the link, and get a bit of extra cash flowing to this awesome youth-focused pro-life group. If you’d like to read more about their work on college campuses, in high school, or with medical and law students, go here.
- Donate in your friend’s name.
If you have a pro-life friend or family member, consider making a donation to a pro-life organization in his or her name. What pro-life organizations have made an impact in your life? What organizations save lives and broadcast the truth? Make it a personal gift, and choose an organization whose work means a lot to you or your friend. Before you give, ask the organization if it has a 501(c)(3) arm you can give to, making your gift tax-deductible. Live Action is a 501(c)(3), in case you were wondering.
- Give the gift of encouragement.
Disclaimer here – I know the family who makes the gifts I’m about to tell you about. In fact, I was the maid of honor in their wedding, so I can personally vouch for the hard work and effort they put into their gifts.
Anyway, my friends have a home business selling name-meaning gifts. Basically, CrossTimber researches the meanings behind any name – historic, cultural, biblical, and literal meanings – and gives an encouraging and accurate meaning, placing it on gift products like coffee mugs, plaques, and bookmarks. What pro-lifer wouldn’t be encouraged to find out his or her name means “faithful,” “strong heart,” “fighter for the right,” or some other great meaning?! (And if you don’t know the meaning of your own name or you don’t think it’s a good one, go here and ask CrossTimber about your name.)
Okay, friends, there are a few Christmas ideas for the pro-lifers in your life. And if you want to, offer up a prayer together this year, around the tree, and ask that more children will join the world for Christmas next year, and in all the years to come…