In 2015, pro-abortion clergy held an event “blessing” the Preterm abortion facility in Cleveland, Ohio — the same facility that was responsible for 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson’s death just a year prior, in 2014. Wilson went into cardiac arrest during her second trimester abortion at the facility and passed away a week later. Clergy at the 2015 event stated at the time their reason for holding the event: “It breaks my heart to know women are sitting in pews across the country feeling shamed, believing that they’re cursed for making this decision. That’s a question I get a lot on the phone, ‘Am I going to hell?’ When God instead is there to support women through it all.”
And now, pro-abortion clergy are doing it again — this time, at Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical Center in Columbus on November 9, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. The announcement for the “Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision” event notes that the event leaders will be “Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice” and “faith leaders.”
“Anti-abortion advocates do not have the monopoly on faith or God,” the announcement reads. “Many faith leaders and people of faith hold that accessing and providing abortions are good and godly decisions.” To these “progressive voices,” this is a “good” and “godly decision”:
The event is expected to “ask for God’s blessing” upon Planned Parenthood abortionists, staff, and patients. “In celebration of conscience and moral decision making, this event will include interfaith blessings, prayers, and testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care,” the event page reads. “This clinic blessing will create space for progressive voices of faith to speak boldly in support of comprehensive reproductive health care, especially abortion.” (emphasis added)
While the abortion industry often refers to abortion as, simply, “reproductive healthcare,” this “blessing” event appears to take a more straightforward, honest approach in stating support for abortion, the deliberate killing of preborn human beings in the womb.
In recent months, other faith leaders have made public their support for abortion. A billboard campaign ran in Oklahoma, which put forth the message, in all caps, “GOD LOVES THOSE WHO HAVE ABORTIONS.” These billboards were, according to the Associated Press, “supported by two Jewish rabbis and ministers of several non-denominational churches.”
It appears that, in pro-abortion circles, invoking religion or the name of God is acceptable… as long as that invocation supports abortion.