
College hires professor who destroyed pro-life display and threatened reporters with machete

A machete-wielding professor who destroyed a pro-life display and threatened a New York Post reporter with a machete has landed another job, despite her violent background.

Former Hunter College professor Shellyne Rodriguez cursed out a group of pro-life students last year before destroying their table. She was escorted away by campus security, but returned to curse at the students more. Hunter College is one of the constituent colleges for CUNY, or the City University of New York, and a campus pro-abortion group lauded her actions as “courageous” and “justified.” A reporter for the New York Post tried to interview Rodriguez at her home, but she angrily exited her apartment wielding a machete.

“Get the f–k away from my door, or I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!” she yelled, putting the machete against reporter Reuven Fenton’s neck. “Get the f–k away from my door! Get the f–k away from my door!”

Fenton and his photographer quickly fled, but Rodriguez followed them, carrying the machete the whole way. Before leaving, she chased the photographer to their car, and kicked Fenton. Rodriguez was fired from her position at Hunter College… but the Cooper Union, a private college in New York City, has since hired her.


The College Fix reported that the college website lists Rodriguez as an adjunct professor, and is teaching a sculpture class this fall semester. So far, the college has not responded to requests for comment.

After the incident with Fenton, Rodriguez was arrested and is currently facing charges of harassment, menacing, and weapons possession, according to the New York Post. Judges also recently extended orders of protection for Fenton against Rodriguez in August. After she was fired from her position at Hunter College, Rodriguez released a statement saying Hunter College had “capitulated” to “racists, white nationalists, and misogynists.”

This history did not stop another college from hiring her to work with students.


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