
Colorado’s 2023 abortions rise, with 137 reported in the third trimester

third trimester

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (DPHE) recently provided the state’s 2023 abortion statistics to the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI). The data shows a rise in overall abortions compared to 2022, with an alarming 137 abortions committed at 28 weeks or later, well beyond the stage at which children can survive outside the womb.

The statistics point to an increase in abortions across the board, with a 3.8% rise in total abortions (14,691) and a 5.9% rise in chemical abortions (9,356). Seventy-seven percent (77%) of the abortions were on unmarried women, while another 9% were on on women of unknown marital status. Chemical abortions via the abortion pill accounted for the vast majority (64%), and 73% of abortions were committed at eight weeks gestation or earlier.

Colorado currently has no gestational limits on abortion, thereby allowing 137 preborn children to be killed during the third trimester at 28 weeks or later. During this late stage, when a child can survive outside the womb with the right medical aid, the preborn child is most often killed during an induction procedure. Because of the increased size of the preborn child, an induction procedure often takes two to three days to complete.


During the procedure, the abortionist takes a syringe with a large needle and fills it with a drug called digoxin. Digoxin is used to treat heart problems, but an overdose of digoxin is using this case to cause fetal cardiac arrest. It is injected into the amniotic fluid, or in some cases, directly into the child’s head or torso. The poison usually causes the child to die within 24 hours; if it isn’t successful, another round of digoxin is used. Labor is then induced, and the mother delivers her dead fetus.

Risk of complications for the induction procedure increase as the child’s gestational age increases. Risks include incomplete abortion, cervical laceration, infection, hemorrhage, uterine rupture, maternal death, and complications in future pregnancies.

Often, abortion proponents claim that late-stage abortions like these are only done for health reasons (though this claim is not true). But, as former abortionist Dr. Patti Giebink explains in the above video, an abortion procedure that takes several days is never the solution to a medical issue.

“The purpose of an elective abortion is to ensure the delivery of a dead fetus,” says Dr. Giebink. “On the other hand, if the baby is wanted and the mother’s health is in danger, the obstetrician induces labor or does a C-section and will have a neonatal specialist present to take care of the baby.”

Though Colorado is already extremely hostile to preborn children, a proposed ballot measure will appear before voters in November that would make intentionally killing preborn human beings a ‘constitutional right’ in the state. With no gestational limits and lawmakers working to make abortion more accessible, Colorado is quickly becoming one of the country’s most deadly states for preborn children.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.


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