Recently, a pro-abortion liberal commentator stated on a podcast that while a woman has ultimate say over what happens to her body, she shouldn’t be allowed to use meth while pregnant, because it is intentionally killing a child — yet he also supports abortion without restrictions.
The Serfs is a Canadian liberal YouTube channel, hosted by two men named Lance and Dave. Recently, Lance appeared on Tim Pool’s podcast, “Timcast IRL.” During their discussion, abortion was mentioned, which Lance said he supports.
“I think the mother should still have the choice — ultimate authority — over what happens to her body,” he said.
“What about meth?” Pool asked. Lance, who at first appeared confused at the question, said that if pregnant women use meth, child protective services should intervene. “Whoa, whoa, whoa — it’s her body, though,” Pool said.
Lance responded, “Yeah, it’s her body.”
“If she wants to do meth, what’s the big deal?” Pool asked.
“Uh, the big deal is that it’s – she’s intentionally trying to kill a child,” Lance said.
I love my job
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) May 5, 2023
Lance looked momentarily stunned as the words he just spoke sunk in, and Pool jumped in, saying, “Hold on there a minute,” and Lance replied, “Yeah, I see where you’re— ”
“I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Pool said. “It’s her body; if she wants to do meth, what’s the problem?”
As Lance pointed out himself, using drugs while pregnant harms a preborn child, a human being which is entirely distinct from his or her mother. And that, in and of itself, is the inherent problem with Lance’s previous argument: that abortion should be legal because a woman should be able to do what she wants with her own body.
Abortion does not merely affect the mother; it takes the life of an entirely distinct, living human being.
Though abortion advocates often deride the pro-life movement as being based solely in religion, the humanity of preborn children is a scientific fact. Preborn children have their own unique DNA at the moment of fertilization, and within just three weeks, have beating hearts which pump blood throughout their body. Within just a few more weeks, brain waves can be measured. Within the first trimester alone, a preborn baby can suck her thumb, swallow, sigh, stretch, and sense light touch.
Preborn children are human beings. Yes, they reside within their mothers’ wombs, and rely upon her for survival… but that reality does not negate the fact that they are still human beings, with an intrinsic right to life.