Yesterday, members of Congress sent a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar expressing their support for the Trump administration’s proposed Title X Protect Life Rule. In May, President Trump announced cuts to the Title X program, through which health care providers receive funding for family planning. Using Title X funding toward abortion is already prohibited, but the new proposal takes it a step further, mandating that Title X recipients will no longer be able to refer women for abortions, must provide documentation to prove they are complying with state laws regarding the reporting of child abuse, and must also keep facilities that commit abortions completely separate from their family planning facilities.
READ: Don’t be fooled: Requiring Planned Parenthood to report sexual abuse is a good thing
Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kan.), Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Diane Black (R-Tenn.), and Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) wrote the letter to HHS Secretary Azar, which can be read here, and included 140 member signatures. Rep. Estes was able to view Live Action’s Aiding Abusers report, citing it in the letter as a source of concern:
We are deeply concerned by a recent report that compiles several court cases, state health department reports, and testimonials from former Planned Parenthood employees, highlighting multiple instances where Planned Parenthood facilities from across the country have repeatedly failed to report the suspected sexual abuse of minors in their care.
Planned Parenthood is a significant recipients of Title X grant awards; according to a 2018 GAO report the organization expended approximately $56 million annual from Title X between 2013 and 2015. The documented instances of Planned Parenthood’s complicity in child sexual abuse suggests that the Department needed to strengthen protections for victims of sexual abuse being served at Title X clinics.
It is long past time for Planned Parenthood to be stripped of taxpayer dollars. It’s time to take action. Contact HHS today here, and show your support for the Protect Life Rule, preventing predatory abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X funding ever again.