It was reported this week that the Obama White House requires all unborn children visiting the White House to be registered as guests. In response to this information, a Pennsylvania congressman put out a humorous press release commending the president for his recognize of unborn human life. Obama has not indicated that he supports recognizing unborn children in any other context, or granting them the right to life at all. The press release from Congressman Barletta can be seen here and is also listed below:
U.S. Representative Lou Barletta, PA-11, congratulated the White House of President Obama – who supports partial-birth abortions and voted against born-alive failed abortion infant protection legislation on the grounds that a fetus is not a viable life – for finally recognizing that life begins at conception.
Tuesday, it was reported that the White House is now asking pregnant mothers to identify their unborn babies when requesting tours of the president’s house.
In an e-mail to offices, the White House stated, “Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour.” [Emphasis original to e-mail.]
The e-mail gives details on how to include the unborn child’s first name (“Baby”), birthday (even though the baby has not yet been born), gender, and social security number.
“The White House of President Obama – who voted against bills protecting unborn children from the horror of abortion – enacted a policy identifying babies still in the womb when they come to visit the White House. If an unborn child is considered alive for the purposes of a White House tour, clearly an unborn child should be considered alive when pro-life legislation is considered,” Rep. Barletta said.
“I’d like to commend President Obama for finally acknowledging that life begins at conception.”