Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic reversal of Roe v. Wade last summer, chemical abortions via telemedicine have surged a whopping 136%. As part of this trend, several insurers recently began contracting with Hey Jane, a virtual abortion provider with no physical locations, to offer coverage for telemedicine abortions via the abortion pill. The move could have a significant impact on the health and safety of women and the lives of preborn children as more women turn to the abortion pill without full knowledge of its potentially dangerous implications.
The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Hey Jane is now contracting with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield of New York, and Sana. Previously, Hey Jane only accepted Aetna insurance in eight of the nine states where it operates.
Pro-abortion advocates are known to claim that mifepristone, the abortion pill, is a safe drug — as safe as Tylenol, Penicillin, or Viagra — but these claims are exaggerated at best. Also known as a chemical abortion, the regimen involves taking two drugs over the course of several days. The first drug is mifepristone, which blocks progesterone, depriving the baby of nutrients. The second drug is misoprostol, which induces strong contractions, causing the mother to expel her child’s body.
A study conducted by the abortion industry itself found an ER and urgent care visit rate of 6% for chemical abortions. Fortunately, lawmakers are taking note. As Live Action News reported, a U.S. district judge recently made waves by suspending the FDA’s approval of mifepristone. The abortion pill was approved by the FDA in 2000 and telemedicine abortion has been permitted since 2020. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the suspension and the Supreme Court is currently weighing an appeal. In the meantime, the Supreme Court has temporarily allowed continued consumer access to the abortion pill. A decision is expected on Friday.
If mifepristone is taken off the market, some abortion providers have discussed conducting chemical abortions using only the second drug, misoprostol, despite the side effects, which include fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and cramping. Using misoprostol alone also carries the risk of “incomplete abortion.” In fact, a 2010 study noted that the use of misoprostol alone led to a 23.8% failure rate requiring surgery, and the fetus continued to survive in 16.6% of the pregnancies. Misoprostol can also cause birth defects like Moebius Syndrome, which cases craniofacial and limb abnormalities. Sadly, the abortion industry’s consideration of a misoprostol-only approach sends a clear message to women — their health and safety is less important than ‘access.’
As the Supreme Court’s decision approaches, it is crucial to confront the harsh reality of the abortion pill: it is not only taking the lives of preborn children, it’s also causing harm to women.