
Couple Use ‘Share a Coke’ Campaign to Announce Their Pregnancy

As many of you may know, Coke’s summer marketing campaign, launched in June, has people searching the soda displays at stores for their own personalized Coke bottles. According to a press release from the company, Coke bottles around the world have the 250 most popular names among teens and millennials.

One couple used these Coke bottles to make a very cute and clever video to announce their pregnancy.

Known only as the McGillicuddys, this young couple is seen drinking Diet Cokes and quickly realizing that their voices change according to the names on the cans.

They first swap each other’s voices. Then they go on to hilariously take on famous voices, varying from Morgan Freeman to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Their voices finally come back to normal, and when they look at the cans to see why, their pregnancy is announced.

Such a creative and sweet way of announcing such an important event in their lives. Best of luck to the McGillicuddys and their baby on the way!

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