At this past weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) there was a pro-life panel. Usually, this would usually not be newsworthy. However, this year actually marked the first time since 2021 that CPAC devoted a panel to sanctity of life issues.
On Thursday afternoon, a panel entitled “Babies-R-Us” took place on the main stage. The panelists were Penny Nance, the President and CEO of Concerned Women for America, and Brandi Swindell, the founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare. The panel was moderated by Abraham Enriquez, the founder and President of Bienvendo U.S.
The panel started with Enriquez asking what we can do as conservatives to put the “spotlight on just how crazy the left has gone on their view on abortion.” Nance said that one of the most amazing moments of her entire life was when she stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and heard that that there is no constitutional right to abortion.
“This is not the time for us to lean back and to be afraid,” said Nance. “Life is winning! It is time to lean forward and bring others with us!” Nance also promoted a piece of legislation dubbed, introduced by Congressman Diane Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) which would create a searchable online database of resources for pregnant women.
The next question was directed to Swindell. Enriquez asked why it is important to support pro-life clinics and why critics of pro-life pregnancy help centers like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are wrong. Swindell stated that the center she founded is a non-profit that does not charge for any of its services. “We specialize in providing exceptional care to women facing unintended pregnancies,” she said. “We provide an 18-month care program to women to walk them through the journey of their pregnancy and beyond.”
In response to their critics, Stanton Healthcare took three of their moms and three of their Stanton babies to the offices of Senator Warren and Rep. Ocasio Cortez in Washington, D.C. “You cannot deny their experience,” Swindell said, “It was not fake… It was all very, very real.” Swindell also mentioned that her facilities have a third party accreditation. “Do you know who does not have a third party accreditation? Planned Parenthood and the majority of abortion clinics.” Enriquez encouraged attendees to learn about and support local pregnancy resource centers.
READ: Equal Protection: The pro-life movement’s New North Star
The next question dealt with the politics of abortion. Enriquez asked if the mainstream media correct when they say that in order to be successful, we need to “turn a blind eye to the pro-life message.” Nance responded by saying that both the media and the consultant class in Washington are wrong. When pro-lifers hide from this issue, the other side defines them as extremist. However, the other side believes abortion should be legal any time, any reason, any number, any point in gestation all paid for by the taxpayer. That is an extremist position. Nance also added that “Our movement is replete with people who deeply regret their abortions.” She encouraged those involved with past abortions to jettison that shame, come to the Lord, and help make others make better decisions.
Enriquez then told a powerful story of a pregnant teenager who was told by a physician to write down all her hopes, goals, and dreams. The doctor then took the sheet of paper, tore it up, and said that none of that would be possible with the child she wascarrying. Thankfully, the mother had support from her parents and carried the pregnancy to term. She accomplished everything that she wrote down on that sheet of paper. That woman in the story was Enriquez’s mom — and Enriquez was the child the doctor said she should abort.
Swindell discussed Stanton Healthcare’s new campaign to end abortion abuse. She gave multiple examples of women who were pressured by a partner to obtain an abortion. She told attendees that “abortion trauma is real” and that if you are victim or a survivor of abortion abuse, “we believe you and we will stand with you.” Swindell added that her group is working with state and federal lawmakers enact legislation to make sure abortion abuse is treated as the crime that it is. She said Stanton Healthcare is about to launch the website, “” They have 2,000 affidavits from victims of abortion abuse, and Stanton said that “a day of hope is coming for women and their children.”
The last question Enriquez posed to both panelists was, “How important is it to stand righteously with the pro-life movement heading into the November elections?” Both panelists agreed it was very important. Swindell said that every candidate needs to be asked if they oppose abortion abuse and if they support legislation that makes abortion abuse criminal. Swindell also added that corporations and universities need to stop discriminating against pregnant women and mothers.
Nance stressed the importance of political involvement and said, ”We need to return The White House to a President who supports life.”
Michael New is an Assistant Professor of Practice at The Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America and a Senior Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Follow him on TwitterX @Michael_J_New