
Crescendo, an award winning pro-life film, is now on YouTube


WARNING: This article contains spoilers.

Crescendo, the short film which has earned over eleven international awards, is now available on YouTube. Called the “most powerful pro-life movie of its kind” and “a life-changer” by Joseph Farah, founder of World Net Daily, the film has been screened at thousands of events.

Executed producer Jason Jones lost his daughter to abortion when he was just 17-years-old. He dedicated Crescendo to that unborn child, named Jessica. A percentage of the sales of the film was donated to crisis-pregnancy centers in the United States in honor of that little girl because Jones believes that had one been available to his young girlfriend, their daughter would be alive today.

The gripping pro-life film highlights the struggles and fears of a woman named Maria Magdelena. Once the filmed raised $10 million for crisis pregnancy centers, the producers planned to release it on YouTube for free for the world to see.

While the film’s pro-life message isn’t particularly in your face, it is obvious and it is enthralling. From the first seconds of Crescendo to the last, you will be captivated, and hopefully, more pro-life than ever.

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