AUL‘s Mailee Smith has a stirring defense of crisis pregnancy centers out in the Washington Times today. Pro-life CPCs are under heavy attack from the abortion industry and lobby–after all, they outnumber abortion clinics something like 5 to 1, so it’s understandable the abortionists are feeling a little embattled, especially with success stories like this:
Take Megan, for example. When she found out she was pregnant, she felt scared and confused and believed everything she had been told: “Having a baby will ruin your life.” She made an appointment for a medical abortion, thinking that would ease her worries. But as the date approached, her anxiety only worsened – that is, until she visited a pregnancy center in Pittsburgh.
“The visit to the pregnancy care center changed my life,” Megan said. The care and information she received at the center was “about empowerment, guidance and support.” For the first time, she felt she had choices and could make a genuine, confident decision. “When I left [the center], I realized that the pit in my stomach was gone.” She gave birth to a baby girl she named Ava. Her story is shared in a 2009 pregnancy service report published by Family Research Council titled “A Passion to Serve, a Vision for Life.”
Then there is Sarah. She describes herself as “like any normal college freshman, just enjoying being young and carefree” – until she was raped one night at a party and found out a few weeks later that she was pregnant. Fortunately, her roommate told her about a local pregnancy center in Liberty, Mo. As Sarah recalls, “At the center, they sat down with me, they listened to me, and they helped me think through all of my available options. I was so thankful for how much information they had to offer. … After giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, I was able to place her in the arms of a loving couple who I knew would adore her and provide for her as their own.” Sarah now shares her story to support the services provided by the national organization Care Net on its “Success Stories” Web page.
Kudos to all the wonderful CPCs and sidewalk counselors out there. Contact your local CPC and find out how you can help them help women and their unborn children!