Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is out with an ad on Iowa TV stations. Breitbart reports:
[Cruz] spokesman Rick Tyler said that this was a $33,000 buy on Fox News Channel in the Des Moines area, and would be supplemented by statewide radio ads.
Regarding Cruz’s vow to “prosecute” Planned Parenthood, “the law about selling body parts is clear,” said Tyler, “It’s a felony, so it needs to be investigated. The videos indicate there is lots of evidence they are selling the body parts of unborn children.”
Indeed, there is strong evidence that Planned Parenthood is blatantly violating state and federal laws in a number of ways. As Live Action President Lila Rose pointed out in an open memo to the GOP presidential candidates:
The five undercover tapes released by the Center for Medical Progress show Planned Parenthood blatantly violating federal law and HHS regulations:
1. Planned Parenthood sells fetal organs at a profit. Through its own admission, it does nothing to deserve payment. 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2
2. Planned Parenthood modifies the abortion procedure, and endangers women for the stated purpose of harvesting fetal organs. 42 U.S. Code § 289g–1 (b)(2)(A)(ii)
3. Planned Parenthood is likely performing illegal partial-birth abortions. 18 U.S. Code § 1531
4. Planned Parenthood abortionists are aware that a particular baby will be sold for his or her parts while the abortion is being performed, a violation of HHS regulations. IRB Guidebook Chapter VI., “Separating Abortion From Research”
5. About 10 percent of babies in their second trimester at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains are born before the abortion has been performed. These babies are likely left to die or purposely killed outside the womb. 1 U.S.C. § 8
Florida’s investigation into Planned Parenthood after the Center for Medical Progress’ video releases found that one quarter of the abortion giant’s clinics in the state were breaking the law. The Miami Herald reported:
After inspecting 16 Planned Parenthood locations in the state last week, the Agency for Health Care Administration found that clinics in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers and Naples have been performing abortions in the second trimester of pregnancies without a license to do so. …
A Pembroke Pines clinic has also been cited for keeping improper records of its disposal of fetal remains.
The most recent CMP undercover video raises great concerns that Planned Parenthood is also completely flaunting its violation of consent laws and basic medical ethics. Eyewitness and clinic insider, Holly O’Donnell, testified that Planned Parenthood sold baby parts to StemExpress – a fetal parts buyer – without mothers’ consent.
According to O’Donnell:
If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.
All presidential candidates need to take a strong stand against Planned Parenthood and against abortion itself. Our federal government has no business funneling over $1.4 million in tax dollars every, single day to an abusive organization that targets innocent children and preys upon women in their most vulnerable moments.
Most of the GOP presidential candidates have called for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, and some – like Cruz – have spoken out even more. Senator Marco Rubio set out a stellar defense of human life in the womb on CNN.
Dr. Ben Carson continues to emphasize the racist, eugenic beliefs of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, and to call out the abortion giant for specifically targeting minority and low-income women for abortion. On stage during the first presidential debate, former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, detailed the constitutional amendments that should already provide the right to life for the unborn.
Former Texas Governor and presidential candidate, Rick Perry, has also taken a strong stand against Planned Parenthood’s federal support – and its IRS classification as a nonprofit – stating:
We can no longer allow the atrocities committed by an organization that receives state and federal tax dollars, and that receives special tax treatment from the federal government. That is why today, I am calling for the revocation of the federal nonprofit charters of the Planned Parenthood Federation Of America and its political wing, Planned Parenthood Action.
The Obama Administration targets groups with the word “patriot” in their name but does nothing to an organization that cuts apart and sells the body parts of dead babies. This cannot stand. It is long past time for the mirage around Planned Parenthood’s true activities to fade.